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Он еще и готовить умеет!

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и любит, что примечательно:) Ну разве не принц!

26 JANUARY 2007

James Bond is a man who can charm women in several different languages, fly a fighter plane and shake up a mean martini. And it seems that the actor behind the spy's current incarnation, Daniel Craig, is no less multi-talented.

As well as being an athletic hero with the body of an Adonis, Daniel has revealed he has another ace up his sleeve. He has let slip that he can cook. And, what's more, he enjoys doing so.

The Casino Royale star revealed he used to work as a chef in a pub before he hit the big time. Sadly romantic dinners a deux are not his speciality. "I love to cook. But because I used to work in the hostelry industry, I can't cook for a few, because I'm used to cooking for 20 or more at a time. So there are always a lot of leftovers," he explained.

"Cooking is something that is in your blood. Even now, when I go into a working kitchen, a shiver runs down my spine."

Perhaps Daniel's culinary skills will come in handy for whipping up a 'Get Well Soon' cake for his The Invasion co-star, Nicole Kidman. The Australian actress, who is currently filming with Daniel in LA, was involved in an on-set crash when the car in which she was travelling collided with a lamp post. She was taken to hospital on Thursday morning but released later that afternoon.

http://www.hellomagazine.com/film/2007/ … g-cooking/


Xev написал(а):


да, мэй би, еще как мэй би  :D

Xev написал(а):

he used to work as a chef in a pub

хорошая глава в биографии. наверное, в этом заведении уже висит табличка - у нас работал сам Крэйг  :D



JAMES BOND heart-throb DANIEL CRAIG struggles to prepare intimate meals for his girlfriend, because he only knows how to cook in bulk. The CASINO ROYALE star worked as a British pub chef before breaking into acting, and still struggles to prepare a meal for less than 20 people. He says, "I love to cook but because I used to work in the hostelry industry, I can't cook for a few because I'm used to cooking for 20 or more at a time - so there are always a lot of leftovers. "Cooking is something that is in your blood. Even now, when I go into a working kitchen, a shiver runs down my spine."



Сердцеед ДЖЕЙМС БОНД - ДЭНИЕЛ КРЭЙГ изо всех сил пытается приготовить "ужин на двоих" своей подруге, потому что он только знает, как готовить оптом. Звезда КАЗИНО РОЯЛЬ работала как британский повар паба перед тем как сниматься, и все еще изо всех сил пытается приготовить пищу меньше чем 20 людям. Он говорит, "Я люблю готовить, но потому что я имел обыкновение работать в промышленности гостиницы, я не могу готовить для немногих, потому что я привык готовить для 20 или больше, одновременно - таким образом всегда остается много остатков. "Кулинария - кое-что, что находится в вашей крови. Даже теперь, когда я вхожу в рабочую кухню, дрожь сокращает мой позвоночник."


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Daniel Craig   

Shooting Star Daniel Craig takes his eyes off the road just long enough to
tell Nick Roddick about cooking, acting and the strange world of Hotel Splendide.

It wasn't just cooking style: it was sexual awakening, too," says Daniel Craig, tooling up the Harrow Road in his car.

The juxtaposition may strike you as odd, but Craig doesn't let this worry him. "I mean, you get on with it, don't you, really? I never really sat down and thought about it for that long: it would be fucking ludicrous."

So is the traffic in NW10, so Craig stops talking for a while.

The film that links cooking and sexual awakening is, of course, Hotel Splendide, which screens in the Panorama today. Craig plays Ronald Blanche, a chef who works in the
hotel which used to be owned by his late mother.

Her spirit having been somehow absorbed into the hotel's heating and waste-disposal system, she still exercises a malign influence over Ronald, his brother Dezmond (played by Stephen Tomkinson) and his sister, Cora (Katrin Cartlidge).

Craig initially took the job because he liked Terence Gross, the director, whose first feature this is after an award-winning short called The Sin Eater.

"He approached me and asked me to do it," says Craig. "We went for a drink and got rather pissed and it was, 'No, of course! I'd love to do it!' I'm a bit of a pushover like that. But I actually had no idea what he was on about when he was explaining the script to me. It was just, 'I quite like you, so let's do it!'"

He has, however, got a much clearer handle on it all now.

"It's a metaphor for a lot of things," he says. "It could be Marxism, it could be Stalinism, it could be family life. It could be Russia in the thirties and forties. Or it could be how they
'fuck you up, your mum and dad', and all that."

Craig, who is one of this year's Shooting Stars and who won the Best Actor Award in Edinburgh in 1998 for playing George Dyer, the young drifter who literally drops in on Derek Jacobi's Francis Bacon in Love Is The Devil, reckons Ronald is the straightest member of the Blanche family.

Well almost.

"He's supposed to be the sanity within the madness, but he's just mad in a different way," he says. "I appear to be very ordinary in comparison with the other characters, some of whom are almost grotesque in the literal sense of the word. Stephen, for instance, has got all this make-up: he's got the works. The only thing he hasn't got is a hump."

Craig avoids a cyclist. "He wanted a hump," he adds, "but they wouldn't give him one. I think he should have had a hump."

Ronald finally breaks free from his mother's influence when his ex-girlfriend (played by Toni Collette) turns up at the hotel, unannounced, after receiving a garbled message. She eventually joins him in the kitchen.

In fact, a lot of Hotel Splendide takes place in the kitchen, Ronald's mother's philosophy having been that properly prepared food was the key to everything else. Except her idea of proper preparation had little to do with gastronomy.

"It's like using jellied eels and aspic and vegetables cooked until they're grey," says Craig. "It's completely the lack of anything: no taste whatsoever. The point about it is that it shouldn't actually touch the sides ­ it should just go straight through you."

But, as far removed as this sounds from haute cuisine, some kitchen training ­ in, of all places, the Savoy Hotel ­ was necessary for the actor to play the role of Roland.

"I used to work in kitchens a lot, as everybody does at some stage," he says. "I used to be a kitchen porter and a salad chef ­ never anything posh! I remember going into the Savoy the first day we arrived and I said, 'I don't want to be here! I don't like it!' It's fucking hard work!

"But, to be a chef, you have to have discipline," he adds. "Just chopping ­ it seems sort of a silly thing to say, but using a knife properly is very important. I can't do it, but I certainly learned to look like I knew how to."

"Using real knives?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," he says. "And we did have one accident. Poor old Toni got it."

"I read somewhere that she has a phobia about knives," I say. Actually, I read it in the press kit.

"Well, if she didn't, she's got one now," notes Craig dryly.

Hotel Splendide, as you will gather, is not your run-of-the-mill modern British film, about clubbing and doing drugs and diamond geezers robbing minicab offices.

"I would rather put needles in my eye," he says of the latter kind of role. "I've got no interest in them at all. They've got no relevance to me and they're not what I'm about. And anyway, I'm 33 now, so I'm a bit long in the tooth for that."

But he does like to take risks. "People always say, 'That stuff you did in Love Is The Devil must have been difficult'," he notes. "But I say, 'No, it wasn't really: that was some of the easier stuff to do', because it was always clear and made a lot of sense. It's when things are unclear and when you don't know what you're doing ­ that's when things are difficult.

"But I actually quite like that process," he adds. "I like being like a rabbit caught in the headlights. If you're not feeling like that, then you've got to question why you're
not feeling like that, because you should be scared.

"As soon as a job gets boring, as soon as you get into a situation where it's, 'Oh, fuck, here we are again', then you've got to start thinking, well, 'Get out and do something else'. Either that or make it interesting."

Восходящая звезда Дэниел Крэйг отводит свои глаза от дороги для того, чтобы рассказать Нику Роддику о кулинарии, актерском мастерстве и странном мире гостиницы Splendide.
"Это был не только стиль приготовления еды: это было также сексуальное пробуждение" говорит Дэниел Крэйг, оборудуя Harrow Road в его автомобиле.
Сопоставление может показаться Вам как удар по голове, но Крэйг не позволяет этому волновать его. "Я имею ввиду, как вы справляетесь с этим? Я никогда не садился и не думал об этом: это было бы чертовски смешно."
Фильм, который связывает кулинарию и сексуальное пробуждение, конечно, Hotel Splendide, которую показывают на экране в "Обзоре Дня". Крэйг играет Рональда Бланша, повара, который работает в гостинице, которая принадлежала его умершей матери.
Ее дух, так или иначе находящийся в системе отопления и системе вывоза отходов гостиницы, все еще имеет пагубное влияние на Рональда, его брата Дезмонда (сыграного Стивеном Томкинсоном) и его сестру, Кору (Katrin Cartlidge).
Крэйг первоначально взялся за  работу, потому что он любил Теренса Гросса, директора, у которого эта была первая работа после приза названного Sin Eater.
"Он приблизился ко мне и попросил, чтобы я сделал это," говорит Крэйг. "Мы пошли выпить и скоро были пьяные в стельку, и было так: "Нет, конечно! Я хотел бы сделал это!". Но я фактически понятия не имел, о чем шла речь, когда он объяснял мне суть. Это было так: "Мне нравится, так давайте делать это!'"
Он, однако, справился с этим намного лучше.
"Это - метафора для многих вещей," говорит он. "Это могло быть Марксизмом, это могло быть Сталинизмом, это могла быть семейная жизнь. Это могла быть Россия тридцатых и сороковых годов. Или могло быть что они "испортили Вас, вашу маму и вашего папу", и все остальное."
Крэйг, который является одной из восходящих звезд этого года и кто выиграл Best Actor Award в Эдинбурге в 1998 за игру Джорджа Дайера, молодого бродяги, который буквально заглядывает к Дереку Джакобсу в его "Francis Bacon in Love Is The Devil", показывает Рональда как самого правильного члена семьи Бланш.
Почти хорошо.
"Он должен быть здравомыслием в пределах безумия, но он безумен немного по-другому," говорит он. "Я, кажется, очень обычный по сравнению с другими характерами, некоторые из которых - почти гротеск в прямом смысле слова. Стивен, например, имеет всю эту косметику: он имеет работы. Единственная вещь, которую он не имеет - горб."
Крэйг избегает велосипедиста. "Он хотел горб," добавляет он, " но они не дали бы ему один. Я думаю, что он должен был бы иметь горб."
Рональд наконец вырывается на свободу от влияния своей матери, когда его экс-подруга (играемая Тони Коллеттом) появляется в гостинице, незваная, после получения искаженного письма. Она в конечном счете присоединяется к нему на кухне.
Фактически, много сцен в Hotel Splendide имеют место на кухне, философия матери Рональда, которая главным образом относилась к приготовлению пищи была ключом ко всему остальному. Кроме ее идеи относительно надлежащей подготовки, остальное имело мало общего с кулинарией.
"Это походит на приготовление застывших угрей и заливное и приготовленных овощей, пока они не посереют," говорит Крэйг. "Это - полностью нехватка чего - то: нет вкуса вообще. Пункт об этом - то, что это не должно тронуть Вас со стороны - это должно пойти только прямо через Вас."


Daniel Craig is The Perfect Man

He's handsome, sexy, buff ... Yup, there are a lot that fit this combination of words ... But I'm talking about Daniel Craig.
According to his female co-stars, he's also a great kisser & his charisma makes him unbelievably irresistible! ... Now, it seems he's got another hidden hobby, that makes him the perfect man! Daniel Craig likes to cook!
Craig reveals to HELLO! Magazine, that he used to work as a chef in a pub before he hit the big screen.

He says: "I love to cook. But because I used to work in the hostelry industry, I can't cook for a few, because I'm used to cooking for 20 or more at a time. So there are always a lot of leftovers. Cooking is something that is in your blood. Even now, when I go into a working kitchen, a shiver runs down my spine."
Hmmm ...


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